Friday 16 January 2009

Egoist vs Egotist

At lectures yesterday, Prof. Mark drew my attention to the fact that a difference exists between the words egoist and egotist, a fact i didn't know before now.

In trying to bring clarity on these words, I found that according to Tiscali , while an Egoist is one who is self-centered and selfish and does not realise it, an Egotist is arrogant and conceited, always talking about themselves.

WikiAnswers gives these definitions:

egoism is to do with self-interest.

egotism is to think/talk about oneself when its unwarranted

My thoughts then are that an Egotist may not neccesarily be selfish, they are capable of caring for others, however the priority is on self.

An Egoist on the other hand must be a fanatical believer of the law of self preservation.


  1. Its amazing about the difference...i would have thought they were both the same...reminds me of the people we used to work for....(hint) lol!!

  2. It’s fantastic….I never anticipated that the diff. would be so small….
    Nice work Ginika

  3. hmmmm... you give the definations... but you don’t say which one applies to you, if any..? hahahaha.... enjoy..

  4. nice definitions, just so you know egoist and egotist come from the greek word 'εγώ' which means I. In the dictionary egoist and egotist seem to be the same in greek but after searching a bit for their difference and synonyms to each word i found the difference.

    egoism (εγωιστής) = a person who is preoccupated with his/her one well-being and interest

    egotism (εγωτιστής) = a person who is self- centered or self-absorbed or even a narcisist. Someone who might be or might not be selfish but thinks highly of him/her self

    I hope I got it right, but most importantly hopefuly I wont get anyone confused!
